Angelica Maria Vazquez Perez and her daughter, Claudia Patricia Perez Vazquez come from the small mountain town of Chenalhó, Chiapas. Angelica is a master at the taller de cinturon, making the very fabric that Claudia then embroiders her intricate and beautiful designs on. The two of them gained some notoriety this past September when they both created the WBA Championship Belt that Canelo Alverez won against GGG. The two were directly chosen by the design team of the WBA due to the quality of their work.
They come from the small mountain town of Chenalhó, situated in the Sierras of central Chiapas, in the heart of the zona Los Altos. The altitude of Chenalhó greatly influences its climate and vegetation and is a stark contrast to most other municipalities of Chiapas, which are known for their tropical climate. In fact, Chenalhó, is known as the area with the most precipitation in all of Mexico. The sharp mountains are covered in pine trees, with small cottages dotted along their slopes, pillows of smoke from wood-burning stoves constantly rising to the sky. This land has its own rules, its own government and visiting foreigners are far a few between. The townspeople work their land to provide for themselves, raising sheep, chicken, and goats, and growing much of their own food. The local woman weave and embroider to help support themselves and their family, selling their goods on the streets in the nearby popular tourist town of San Cristobal de las Casas.
Purchase the handwoven Chalinas & the Bufandas made by Angelica & Claudia.